Birthday :- April 26, 1980 Cullman, Alabama , USABirth Name :- Channing Matthew Tatum
Nickname :- Chan
height :- 6 '1
Channing Matthew Tatum is an American actor and film producer .
He began his career as a fashion model and appearing in television commercials for Pepsi and Mountain Dew before turning to film roles .
He made his feature film debut in the sports drama, Coach Carter (2005) , and had a supporting role in She's the Man (2006)..
He also appeared in the struggle (2009), Public Enemies (2009 ), GI Joe : The Rise of Cobra (2009) and Dear John (2010).

Channing Tatum often works with trainer William J. Harris. Surprisingly, Channing Tatum workout lasts only 30-45 minutes.
Coach William J. Harris says it's all your body's needs . He says the secret to a lean body is a healthy diet . For Fighter , Channing Tatum was given four exercise per day , to a circuit.
The problem is that it had to make the same circuit repeatedly for 30 minutes.
This includes a warm-up 5 minutes, and 5 minutes cooling in the training plan .
This is to ensure Channing pushes his body in the region of burning fat .
Channing Tatum also made two hours of training for the fight film plane before performing these workouts.
It would string tricks and calisthenics exercises such as jumping jacks , press - ups, pull -ups and squats.
He was also part of games with dumbbells and kettle bells .
Channing would do three exercises per day and workouts were limited to only 30 minutes to an hour .
His coach will always change the routine around to keep his body guessing .
Channing Tatum had to change bad eating habits get in shape . He changed beef lean meats like turkey .He had to stop eating fast food, processed and frozen foods, and he gave up drinking.
Channing Tatum eat very healthy to keep your body fat low and lean body.
The most physically demanding part of Channing 's time was the morning for her workout and combat the typical strength and cardio .
Therefore, it would consume the majority of fruit and carbs right now.
The rest of his meals and snacks for the transaction consisted of lean sources of protein , vegetables , nuts and dairy products selected.
-Breakfast : An omelet , whole grilled vegetables and fruit bread.
-Snack : Apple and unsalted nuts.
-Lunch : Two grilled chicken breasts , sweet potato and green salad .
-Snack : Cottage cheese and unsalted nuts .
-Dinner : Turkey burger with vegetables.
-Snack : Yogurt and almonds.
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