Birthday :- December 18, 1963 in Shawnee , Oklahoma , USA
Birth Name :- William Bradley Pitt
Height :- 5 '11
An actor and producer known as much for its versatility as it is for her beautiful face , Golden Globe -winning role as widely recognized actor Brad Pitt may be Tyler Durden in Fight Club .
But his portraits of Billy Beane in Moneyball and Rusty Ryan in the remake of Ocean's Eleven (2001) and its sequels, also occupy an important place in his filmography .
Brad Pitt was born William Bradley Pitt on December 18, 1963 in Shawnee, Oklahoma and raised in Springfield , Missouri.
He studied journalism at the University of Missouri, but left the university two shy of graduating to go to California credits .
Here are the exercises that make up the workout. Brad Pitt Performed 3 sets , taking about 60 seconds rest between each set.In addition , he used a weight that is quite difficult to complete 15 reps with the exception of pumps and traction , but tired the last representative .

Monday :- Chest
- 25 pumps
- Nautilus chest press
- Incline press
- chest fly
Tuesday :- Back
- 5 pullups
- Seating rows
- Lat Pulldowns
- T- bar rows
Wednesday :- shoulders
- Arnold dumbbell press like a military press
- Side Elevations
- Before raises
Thursday :- Biceps / Triceps
- Nautilus loop machine
- EZ curls cable
- Hammer curls
- Triceps Pushdowns
Friday :- Cardio
- Walking running on the treadmill for 40 minutes at 60% to 75 % of your maximum heart rate
Saturday and Sunday :- Rest
Diet of Brad Pitt is the most important aspect when it comes to get him in shape for a role.Do not just think he trains hard in the gym , his diet accounts for a large part of its success in achieving the physical product.
For his role as Fight Club Pitt took a very strict and consistent eating six small meals a day which included a protein bars occasion .
No other supplement has been used by Pitt diet, but much of his power came from whole foods rich in protein such as chicken, turkey, fish, lean meat , eggs and cottage cheese.
Breakfast :- 6 eggs , 6 whites, 7 yellow and 70g of oatmeal with raisins .
Pitt sometimes replace the eggs with a protein shake if his schedule was tight .
Mid-morning snack :- canned tuna in pita bread whole wheat
Lunch :- 2 x Chicken Breasts , 75 -90g brown rice or pasta.
Snack mid afternoon :- Protein shake and a banana
After training :- Whey Protein Shake and a banana
Dinner :- grilled fish or chicken , brown rice or pasta , vegetables and salad.
Evening Snack :- Casein Protein Shake Shake protein .
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