Tuesday 15 October 2013

Chris Hemsworth Body Workout And Diet Plan


Chris Hemsworth

Birthday :- August 11, 1983 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Height :- 6 ' 3 ¼

Though born in Melbourne , Australia, Hemsworth saw a bit of the country in his youth when his family moved first to the Northern Territory before finally settling on Phillip Island, south of Melbourne.

Chris Hemsworth is the brother of actors Liam Hemsworth and Luke Hemsworth .

In 2004, he unsuccessfully auditioned for the role of Robbie Hunter in the Australian soap opera " Home and Away " (1988 ), but was recalled for the role of Kim Hyde which he played until 2007.

His first Hollywood appearance was in Star Trek (2009), but its role as holder in Thor that propelled him to prominence in the world.


Playing the role of Thor Chris Hemsworth required to make huge changes in her body to be fit for the role . Thor workout  includes a large number of factors, but the most essential elements of this workout makes heavy loads to get more muscle mass .
Running low repetition, heavy weight raised to increase muscle mass was difficult for him because he was shooting "Red Dawn" .
Chris Hemsworth workout focuses on three essential core of training sessions designed to improve their muscle mass.
The three workouts involving ( arms, legs and chest ) are created to increase muscle mass before proceeding to a more intense workout which usually makes use of kettle bells to achieve cutting.
The man who developed the training Thor named Duffy Gaver also incorporated cardio circuits and ab Chris to help achieve the body he wants to be Thor .

Chris Hemsworth Body

Monday to Wednesday :- Compound exercise
  -Barbell squats : 4 sets  10 reps
  -Lunges with dumbbells 4 sets  10 reps
  -Bench Press : 4 sets  8 reps
  -Deadlift : 4 sets  10 reps
  -Pull ups : 3 sets  8 reps
Tuesday-Friday :- agility and strength
  -Squat jump and Curl : 3 sets  10 reps
  -Push ups : 3 sets  10 reps
  -Standing Dumbbell Calf Raise : 3 sets  10reps
  -Cross Body Hammer Curls : 4 sets  8 reps
  -Kettle bell Swing: 3 sets  10 reps
  -Kettle bell snatch: 3 sets  10 reps
Saturday :- basic and Endurance
  -Ab Twist : 3 sets  10 reps
  -Runners Bosu : 3 sets  15 reps
  -Hanging Leg Raises : 3 sets  10 reps
  -Off pee : 3 sets  15 reps
  -Cycling : 15-20 min
  -Treadmill : 15-20 min


To build muscle mass , it is very important to eat the right kind of food. Protein helps in the muscle building process and is a must for those who want to increase their muscle mass.
Burn guided Chris to eat foods such as chicken, egg whites , steak and fish. They are ideal sources of protein.

Chris Hemsworth Workout Diet

Also, those who want to gain bulk must eat the right kind of carbohydrates at the right times of the day.
Chris reduces the consumption of starchy carbohydrates such as white rice and potatoes and increased consumption of fibrous carbohydrates such as spinach and broccoli.
In terms of what to eat, the Chris Hemsworth diet focuses on lean and all kinds of protein products .
 -Egg whites,chicken,fish,steak

Bradley Cooper Body Workout And Diet Secret


Bradley Cooper
Name :- Bradley Cooper

Birthday :- January 5, 1975 Philadelphia , Pennsylvania, USA

Nickname :- coop

Height :- 6 '1

Bradley Cooper was born in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania, the son of Gloria  and Charlie Cooper , who was a stockbroker .
He has a sister , Holly . Immediately after Bradley graduated from the honors English program at Georgetown University in 1997 , he moved to New York to enroll in the Master of Fine Arts at the School of Dramatic Art at the New Actors Studio School University.
There, he developed his stage work , culminating with his thesis performance as " John Merrick " in "The Elephant Man " by Bernard Pomerance , performed in the Circle of New York instead.
While still in school, Bradley began his professional career , appearing opposite Sarah Jessica Parker in "Sex and the City" (1998).


The training session was Bradley Cooper called 3-2-1 training.
Supposedly, Cooper correspond to three intervals of cardio intervals with 2 weights and a range of special basic training .
Each interval lasted 10 minutes, as there were six intervals , which added up to 60 minutes.
Workouts Bradley Cooper would often take two hours , which means six 10-minute intervals are often repeated .
Now , the frequency of these workouts was not mentioned, but by examining the intensity and longevity of the training session Bradley Cooper , the maximum frequency should be 3-5 times a week .

Bradley Cooper Body

3-2-1 Workout Bradley Cooper would have participated in :
  -Warm up
  -10 minutes of moderate cardio like rowing or running
  -15 minutes of weight training, compound movements like squats, rows, presses
  -10 minutes sprints or other high intensity cardio with rest after each sprint
  -10 minutes of weight training, compound movements like squats, rows, presses
  -15 minutes moderate to high intensity cardio
  -10 minutes of core / abdominal work


Diet of Bradley Cooper has been described by him as being devoid of sugar, flour and salt.
The reasoning behind the avoidance of alcohol was to make sure he was on time for the start of the morning workouts.
He consumed a high protein and low calorie diet . He hardly drinks water every day.
It has completely eliminated junk food from his diet . I

Bradley Cooper Workout Diet

t takes high-protein diet that includes egg whites , fruits , green vegetables , meat and fish.
It strictly eliminated alcohol from his diet to get up early in the morning.

Daniel Craig James Bond Body Workout And Diet


Birthday :- March 2, 1968 , Chester , Cheshire, England, United Kingdom

Birth Name: - Daniel Wroughton Craig

Height : - 5 '10 "

Daniel Craig, one of the most famous faces of British theater waiting tables as a teenager difficulty actor the NYT , went on to star as " James Bond" in Casino Royale  Quantum of Solace  Skyfall ( 2012).

He was born Daniel Wroughton Craig March 2, 1968 , at 41 Liverpool Road, Chester , Cheshire , England.

His father, Tim Craig, was a merchant seaman has steel setter, then became the owner of " Ring O Bells " pub in Frodsham , Cheshire.


Daniel Craig  Body

WARM- UPS :- Warm-up exercises Daniel is in itself a huge task.He made a row as part of gearing up for his workouts .
A burning cardio is not the main objective of the Daniel Craig Workout, but the important thing to remember is the body must have enough cardio to warm up and cool down during weight training routine.

It is also important to have some cardio in the Daniel Craig Workout, because it balances the routine at a certain level .
You can remove about 20 minutes on the treadmill , the elevation angle every 5 minutes , and the speed increase after the first five minutes , and gradually returned to walking speed for the last minutes so that you can cool off .

UPPER BODY :- a workout routine Daniel Craig starts dumbbell lunges will do.
Then you can move on to the bench press , with other routines as a lateral raise and bicep curls .
You can do it through four rounds , up 1 rep each week , or you can do until you dropped.
However, you must do so alternately to give your muscles enough time to grow and develop .
You also need to get enough sleep so that you can see real results to the Daniel Craig Workout .

Daniel Craig James Bond Body

LOWER BODY :- Daniel Craig Workout uses a combination of leg extension and hamstring curls , these workout routines rely on body weight.
By performing the weight of your lower body, your muscles grow and you will , a figure larger lean your lower body as well as your upper body region.
Application of the Daniel Craig Workout should go  with a balanced diet that will prevent the three most common mistakes bodybuilding.


Craig's diet was strict but not intolerable. No refined after 2pm hours and after 5pm hours no starchy carbs. The weekend he was allowed to drink. Have cheat days can make a lot easier to follow diet .

Craig wanted to lose fat and gain muscle, where he followed a strict diet of salad , vegetables and nuts .
Sometimes he also had legumes , raw vegetables and fruits.
Apart from this , breads , baked goods , pasta and rice were a strict no . Although it is important to get carbs for energy , but extra carbs are not essential .
Several informants reported that Daniel Craig Diet demanded that Craig eat four to six meals a day.
While eating small regular meals is an important consideration in the plan, it was more likely that he had three meals and two snacks per day .
Post workout snacks were important. With high quality protein , Craig had a lot of fruits and vegetables, and of course as much as 2 liters of water for hydration.

Daniel Craig  Body Workout

Breakfast - two poached eggs with two slices of toast.
Snack - Fruit and nuts, or a protein shake
Lunch - fish or meat with a potato in the oven or a small portion of brown rice
Snack - yogurt with nuts, or a protein shake
Dinner - fish or meat and vegetables such as spinach or broccoli , or with a salad.

Channing Tatum Body Workout And Diet Secret


Birthday :- April 26, 1980 Cullman, Alabama , USA

Birth Name :- Channing Matthew Tatum

Nickname :- Chan

height :-  6 '1

Channing Matthew Tatum  is an American actor and film producer .
He began his career as a fashion model and appearing in television commercials for Pepsi and Mountain Dew before turning to film roles .
He made his feature film debut in the sports drama, Coach Carter (2005) , and had a supporting role in She's the Man (2006)..
He also appeared in the struggle (2009), Public Enemies (2009 ), GI Joe : The Rise of Cobra (2009) and Dear John (2010).

Channing Tatum Body


Channing Tatum often works with trainer William J. Harris. Surprisingly, Channing Tatum workout lasts only 30-45 minutes.

Coach William J. Harris says it's all your body's needs . He says the secret to a lean body is a healthy diet . For Fighter , Channing Tatum was given four exercise per day , to a circuit.

The problem is that it had to make the same circuit repeatedly for 30 minutes.

This includes a warm-up 5 minutes, and 5 minutes cooling in the training plan .

This is to ensure Channing pushes his body in the region of burning fat .

Channing Tatum also made two hours of training for the fight film plane before performing these workouts.

Channing Tatum Body Workout

It would string tricks and calisthenics exercises such as jumping jacks , press - ups, pull -ups and squats.
He was also part of games with dumbbells and kettle bells .
Channing would do three exercises per day and workouts were limited to only 30 minutes to an hour .
His coach will always change the routine around to keep his body guessing .


Channing Tatum had to change bad eating habits get in shape . He changed beef lean meats like turkey .
He had to stop eating fast food, processed and frozen foods, and he gave up drinking.
Channing Tatum eat very healthy to keep your body fat low and lean body.
The most physically demanding part of Channing 's time was the morning for her workout and combat the typical strength and cardio .
Therefore, it would consume the majority of fruit and carbs right now.
The rest of his meals and snacks for the transaction consisted of lean sources of protein , vegetables , nuts and dairy products selected.

Channing Tatum Body Diet

 -Breakfast : An omelet , whole grilled vegetables and fruit bread.
 -Snack : Apple and unsalted nuts.
 -Lunch : Two grilled chicken breasts , sweet potato and green salad .
 -Snack : Cottage cheese and unsalted nuts .
 -Dinner : Turkey burger with vegetables.
 -Snack : Yogurt and almonds.

Tyrese Gibson Body Workout And Diet


Tyrese Gibson
Birthday :- December 30, 1978 , Watts , Los Angeles , California, USA

Birth Name :- Tyrese Darnell Gibson

Height :- 5 '11

Tyrese Gibson Born December 30, 1978 in Watts quarter , Los Angeles , California , the youngest of four children in his family, he and his brothers and sisters , was raised only by his mother, Priscilla Murray Gibson, after his father passed away in 1983.
Such multi- talented first gained national attention when he ran for the Coca -Cola television commercial campaign in 1995 as the new face of the year after winning a talent search organized by his company. Subsequently developed a successful modeling career , Tyrese apparently could spread its desire to develop a career in the music industry, a goal that had to achieve since he started singing at the age 14 years .


Tyrese Gibson  has found its roots in the early and hit the gym more than ever to fly the body 8 pack that he wears now .
Tyrese walked 5 miles a day and lunch menu changed regularly squid fried in a ball of tuna on lettuce .
Tyrese Gibson focuses on a workout routine with sets of decline.
For example, it would take 100 pounds of weight and exercise for 3 reps then down to 90 Pounds then 80 then 65 all the way to failure.
Tyrese always gives 100 percent and never stops on a workout .

Tyrese Gibson Body

According to an interview with the magazine Men's Health , Tyrese said: " When you step on the treadmill, make a commitment. And do not get off until you finish .
It does not matter how fast you go. Just do not go . You do not have to deal with all the people around , running around and doing their thing quickly .
Just do your thing . You work with them , as long as you do your own thing first .


But things are not super easy to Tyrese as a well balanced diet is also part of his healthy lifestyle and of great importance to the extent that his body shape will and Tyrese admits that part  is not that easy .
Tyrese says eating well is a challenge, but by the way it presents itself each time, we can say that he nailed this challenge .
Tyrese Gibsons  healthy diet consists of eating lean meals like baked chicken , fish, with a fresh salad. However, Tyrese admits that it is difficult to stay away from " gulity pleasures " such as sweets he said .

Tyrese Gibson Body Workout

"I love chocolate turtles .
They are my favorite. I like Kit Kat, Snickers . You know, these are the things that I have not supposed to eat , but here and there , I'll grab me and drag one or two .

Monday 14 October 2013

The Rock Dwayne Johnson Body Workout And Diet


Date of birth : 2 May 1972, Hayward, California, USA

Birth Name : Dwayne Douglas Johnson

Nickname : People's Champion
                  The Brahma Bull
                  The Great One
                  The Rock

Height : 6 '4


Dwayne Douglas Johnson was born in Hayward, California, May 2, 1972 to Rocky Johnson and Ata Johnson.

Growing up, Dwayne traveled extensively with his parents and saw his father perform in the ring.

The Rock Dwayne Johnson Body
During his high school years, Dwayne began playing football and he soon received a scholarship from the University of Miami where he had great success as a football player.

In 1995, Dwayne suffered a back injury that cost him a place in the NFL. He then signed a 3-year contract with the Canadian League but left after a year to pursue a career in wrestling.

He made ​​his debut in the fight against MUA under the name Flex kavanah where he won the tag team championship with Brett Sawyer.


The Rock workout uses a pyramid structure . You start with a higher amount of repetitions and a smaller amount of weight.
Then each week you increase the weight and decrease reps. Then, you add weight each week.
After the first month , you begin to return to more reps, but his time with a higher starting weight .
The day weapons training Rock is on high reps for the pump.

 Dwayne Johnsons  Muscle Building Workout Routine :-
Day 1 - shoulders
Day 2 - Back
Day 3 - Legs
Day 4 - Arms
Day 5 - Chest
Day 1 - shoulders

Day 1: -
Military Press Seated - 3 sets of 20 repetitions
Dumbbell Front Raise - 3 sets 8 reps
Rear Delt Cable Raise - 5 sets of 12 to 10 reps
Hammer Stength MD - 5 sets of 12 to 10 reps
Four Way Neck Machine - 4 sets of 12 repetitions

Day 2 - Back: -
Wide Grip Lat Pull Down - 5 sets 12-10 reps
Close Grip Lat Pull Down - 5 sets 12-10 reps
One Arm Seated Row Machine - 4 sets of 12 repetitions
Back Extension - 4 sets 12-10 reps

The Rock Body Workout

Day 3 - Legs : -
Leg Press - 4 sets 220-18
Smith Machine Lunge - 4 sets 8 reps per leg
Lying Leg Curl - 4 sets 12-10
Standing Calf Raise - 6 sets 16 reps

Day 4 - Arms : -
Alternating Dumbbell Curl - 5 sets 12-10
Preacher Curl Machine - 6 sets 12-10
Triceps Extension Cable - 5 sets 12-10
Overhead Cable Extension - 4 sets of 12 -10

Day 5 - Chest: -
Incline Dumbbell Press - 5 sets 12-10
Dumbbell Bench Press - 5 sets 12 -10
Cable - 4 sets x 12 reps
Push ups - 4 sets of 15 reps
Abs are made twice a week - Weighted Swiss ball
Crunches , 4 sets of 20 reps .


The diet of Dwayne Johnson is a strict criterion, which helps to strengthen his physical condition.
Johnson totally avoid fried and fast foods . Although like pizza , burger and drink a lot so it takes time to time.
The diet of Dwayne Johnson includes 6 meals a day that are rich in protein diet , carbohydrates and all things nutritious .
The result was lower metabolism . That all changed when coach Billy Beck kept the body of The Rock fed up with a meal following an average of 500 calories a framework , six times a day.
The ideal meal is a combination of lean protein, starchy and fibrous vegetables .

1 meal :-
  10 oz cod
  2 whole eggs
The Rock Body Workout Diet
  2 cups oatmeal
2 meals :-
  12 oz sweet potato
  1 cup of vegetables
3 meals :-
  8 oz chicken
  2 cups white rice
  1 cup of vegetables
4 meals :-
  8 oz cod
  2 cups rice
  1 cup of vegetables
  1 tablespoon of fish oil
5 meals :-
  8 oz steak
  12 oz baked potato
  spinach salad
6 meals :-
  8 oz cod
  2 cups rice
7 meals :-
  25 grams of casein          protein
   8 egg white omelet
   1 cup vegetables
1 tablespoon of fish oil omega -3

Sunday 13 October 2013

Vin Diesel Body Workout Routine And Diet Plan


Vin Diesel

Birthday :- July 18, 1967 , New York City, New York, USA

Birth Name :- Mark Sinclair Vincent

Height ;-  5 ' 11

Vin Diesel was raised by his  psychologist mother and adoptive father in the housing project by an artist from New York Greenwich Village , never knowing his biological father . 

His first break in the action happened by chance, when at the age of seven, he and his friends broke into a theater to vandalize .  
From there , the budding wine career progressed from the New York repertory company run by his father, to the Off-Off Circuit - Broadway. 
At 17 and already sporting a well-honed physique, he became a bouncer at some of the trendy New York to earn a little extra money clubs.  
It was at this time that he changed his name to Vin Diesel .


Be an action hero Vin Diesel has a different training professional bodybuilders because it must perform a lot of action sequences.  
But before his workout routine you need to know about some projects he follows in his workout are as follows:

- Vin Diesel has a workout 3 days per week level. The remaining three days are for rest or it can perform stretching and yoga.
- Vin Diesel also includes cardio exercises in their workout as they offer him much flexibility in the execution of action sequences using .

Following is the
Vin Diesel's workout routine :-

Vin Diesel Body

Day 1 :- ( chest and triceps )
   Flat Bench Press : 3 sets  8-10 reps.
   Incline Dumbell Fly : 4 sets  8-10 reps.
   Decline Bench Press : 3 sets  8-10 reps.
   Close Grip Bench Press : 3 sets  8-10 reps.
   Triceps Extension : 3 sets  8-10 reps.
   Triceps drop cable : 3 sets  8-10 reps.

Day 2 :- ( back and biceps )
Pulldown : 3 sets  8-10 reps.

   Dead lifts : 4 sets  8-10 reps.
   Barbell Curls : 3 sets  8-10 reps.
   Dumbell Curls : 4 sets  8-10 reps.
   Hammer Curls : 3 sets  8-10 reps.

Day 3 :- (legs and shoulders )   Squats : 4 sets  8-10 reps.
   Raising the calf : 2 sets  8-10 reps.
   Barbell Press : 3 sets  8-10 reps.
   Straight lines : 3 sets  8-10 reps.

Vin Diesel Body and DietVIN DIESEL DIET PLAN

Vin Diesel has a body well maintained for that a good diet is very important.

The calorie intake must be accompanied by one gram of protein intake , multivitamins and omega -3 containing foods, but only in small quantities.  

Sources of protein include organic foods fortified soy and egg white.

To redu
ce fat intake as most carbohydrates have fat, fiber , fruits and vegetables should be present in the meal.  

As Diesel says in his diet , fat gain is countered with practical gain muscle.To maintain a variety of meals , it also takes chicken as a protein source . 

 Usually it is served with a variety of carbohydrates, such as sweet potatoes. This should be an intake of 150 grams per day.

Paul Walker Body Workout And Diet Plan


Paul Walker
Birthday :- September 12, 1973 in Glendale , California, USA

Birth Name :- Paul William Walker IV

Height :- 6 '2  

Walker 's film career began in 1987 with the horror and comedy movie Monster in the Closet .  
He and his sister Ashlie were competing on an episode of the game show I say , Finishing in second place in 1988.Paul William Walker IV  is an American actor of Albanian heritage  He became well known in 1999 after his role in the hit film Varsity Blues .  
It is also known for his role in the surprise summer hit The Fast and the Furious .  
His other films include Joy Ride , Running Scared , Into the Blue and Eight Below .  
It also appears in the National Geographic Channel series Expedition Great White .


Being skinny is not easy to become muscular and from there , Paul had to put a lot of work . 
He lifted weights and also took creatine , with which he went up to 200 pounds.  
Paul  walkers suggests that it is best to do a full body workout of progressive overload and do a workout split for chest, triceps, shoulders, back , biceps and legs.

Paul Walker Body Workout

Paul says he has never needed a nutritionist or a personal trainer because he felt out there and play sports. He plays basketball , goes for surfing , volleyball , skating, etc.
Paul is famous for intensive use martial arts to train for his films. It increases flexibility and endurance to higher limits and helps them stay alert. 

 It also removes the excess fat while giving the speed, balance and coordination. Karate , Aikido, Judo, Jujitsu and Kung Fu are some martial arts that usually performs .
Walker began training with fifteen minutes of cardio . 
Then he circuits, typically moves -press- ups , lunges, squats, etc. He believes that there is nothing better than compound and physical exercises.


For food , Paul walker eat a mostly paleo diet , which means he eat a diet that consisted mainly of vegetables, nuts and meat - about what our hunter-gatherer ancestors could lay their hands on meat .
This diet allows you to eat large amounts of food because all the food you eat is " healthy ."  
It gives your body the energy it needs to get through the workouts and it also allows you to burn fat easily as well .

Paul Walker Diet plan

Regarding supplements , I would honestly just try to stick with the bare essentials .  
This means a high quality powder protein, fish oil , and maybe a high quality multivitamin to cover the potential vitamin and mineral deficiencies in the body.  

Saturday 12 October 2013

Leonardo Dicaprio Body Workout And Diet Plan


Leonardo Dicaprio Birthday :- November 11, 1974 Hollywood, Los Angeles , California, USA

Birth Name :- Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio

Nickname :- Leo

                   Lenny D

Hight :- 6 '  

Leonardo DiCaprio is an American actor whose representation of condemned claiming Jack Dawson in Titanic  made ​​him the definition of a whole generation of an idol.  
Throughout his career, DiCaprio has demonstrated a high level of dramatic versatility , its role in the breakout film as a mentally challenged teenager in what is Gilbert Grape (1993), through his work with Martin Scorsese in Gangs of New York and The Departed (2006). 
More recently, DiCaprio has received critical reviews for her roles in Christopher Nolan's Inception and J. Edgar (2011) , for which he received a Golden Globe nomination .


For the exercise routine Leonardo DiCaprio, he works with his personal trainer Gregory Joujon Roche .
For the launch of the film, where he was to play a rogue CEO type , he resolved to lose 30 pounds before filming even began .
DAY 1 :-He bench presses , straight bar curls and military besides the sets or repetitions presses.
DAY 2 :- He has toned his body and conditioning with rear dips at the end of the bed or dozens of coffee tables in their drive his triceps and upper back session. 
He also sit- ups and pull -ups. 
Leonardo DiCaprio does extreme workout and never gives up until the session high cardio workout is reached. 
Leonardo DiCaprio following a strict training and diet program routine. 

Leonardo Dicaprio Body

The workout consists essentially of an unlimited number of bench presses and military presses. 
 More repetitive bending numbers straight bars are made to maintain fitness . 
Better look for triceps and back of the upper part of the body is given by working with hollow rear parts .  
Legs and arm portions are attenuated in perfect working according exercises weight loss. 
He rest up and pull- ups are very important in the routine maintenance of the strength of the entire body.  


The diet varies with Leonardo DiCaprio movie roles , it will be . Most of the time , it adheres to organic food , which is to eat natural and organic meals that do not use any artificial sweeteners and other additives.
However, the regime Leonardo DiCaprio moves balanced diet when it is not filmed .  
This diet involves eating meals that contain the right amount of fats, carbohydrates and proteins needed by the body to stay healthy and fit.  
It is also effective to lose or maintain weight .Thus, the list of food Leonardo DiCaprio consists mainly of natural materials.  

Leonardo Dicaprio Workout , Diet

Most of the food intake by the star includes organic food that has a high content of vitamins, carbohydrates and minerals of the same type .  
Some of the major food diet contains a significant amount of fat , so it would be quite important for the adjustment of the entire body. 
 Leonardo DiCaprio avoids most of the food that consists of a large amount of calories in them. 

Robert Pattinson Body Workout And Diet Plan


Birthday :- May 13, 1986 , Barnes , London, England , United Kingdom

Birth Name :- Robert Douglas Thomas Pattinson

Nickname :- Rob
                    R- Pattz

Height :-  6 '1

Robert Pattinson Diet


Robert Pattinson was born on 13 May 1986 in London , England. He loves music and is an excellent musician, playing both the guitar and piano.

When Robert was 15, he started playing in amateur rooms with Barnes Theatre Company .
Thereafter, he took the role of the screen as Curse of the Ring (2004 ) as Giselher .

In 2003 , Robert took on the role of Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005).
He got his role a week later after meeting Mike Newell at the end of 2003.


Robert Pattinson WorkoutRobert Preferred to have a well-balanced muscular shoulder, perfect size with legs and arms well balanced and toned body .
For his ideal body shape , it did not work the vigorous gym and he would prefer to go on a diet rich in protein shake and meaty food.
For the kind of attractive physique he has, he planned the strategy and then he put on the muscles of his back, arms , shoulders and chest.
He is very interested in music and loves to go jogging.

Robert regularly monitors the following training :-
For the body to warm up and other obvious reasons, it starts with cardio exercise , such as jumping, running , and so on, for a very short period of 5 minutes.
To tone the upper portion of the body , he works hard and plays known yet very important exercises such as , back rows and push ups .
For the lower body , he sidebands dumbbells , crunches , establishing proportionality between the average body and lower body , giving it the perfect shape and well proportioned .


Robert control his eating habits a lot , being a foodie he controls his desires all to enjoy foods full of fat.
It does not focus on the number of calories of the meal rather it maintains body weight and makes such exercises too.
Robert Pattinson divided his meals into five parts and eat five times a day to burn fat accumulated in the body in a very easy way.

Breakfasy :-
Robert Pattinson starts his day with iron rich fruits , corn and eight other essential nutrients that provide the perfect start to a perfect body.

Robert Pattinson Body

Snacks :-
In the first case , it takes a minimum of 10 grams of fiber , which it receives from brown bread , and drink low- sugar or just fruit juice .
Lunch :-
To build up muscles in the way he wants , he eats low-fat protein that it gets boiled fish or chicken.
It also prevents the spices, which can make its metabolism upset. He took a glass of milk with fruit or brown bread or boiled eggs.

Dinner :-
Pattinson ended his eventful day with boiled eggs , boiled chicken and a few slices of bread , which complements its requirement of body protein, carbohydrates and fiber.

Will Smith Body Workout And Diet Plan


Will Smith
Birthday :- September 25, 1968 Philadelphia , Pennsylvania, USA

Birth Name :- Willard Christopher Smith Jr.

Nickname :- Fresh Prince
                    Mr. July

Height :- 6 '2


Will smith was the second of four children of Caroline and Willard C Smith Sr.

He grew up in a middle class neighborhood in West Philadelphia called Wynnefield .

Will Smith Diet
Will attended the Overbrook High School located in the Overbrook section of Philadelphia , Pennsylvania. He earned the nickname " Prince " because of the way he could charm his way out of trouble.

Brilliant student will also be signed with Julia Reynolds Masterman Laboratory high status and Demonstration School in Philadelphia.


In his workouts, it would also be 3-4 sets of about 10 repetitions per exercise and each set that he would try to increase the weight .
For a good starting point , I would like to know your 1 rep max you can do for each exercise and go with 60% to 10 % of the weight for each exercise .
You can work only 3-4 hours a week to build a body like Will Smith, but only the exercise is not important for a good body .

Will Smith Body

The workout Smith mix of cardio and strength training Will Smith cleared to descend to 6 percent body fat 180 pounds of pure muscle torn regime.
Personal trainer Darrell Foster Smith pushed through a cardio program that included a daily run of five miles which was conducted six days a week .
For departures would listen to audio books to keep his mind off the race. In addition to cardio , Will run a weightlifting routine five days a week where he formed two body parts per workout .

Will Smith Body Workout

Foster has designed a training program for the pyramid began with lighter weights and more repetitions and then gradually decreased weight and repetitions to stimulate muscle development actor.
His schedule weight associated muscle groups like ..
   -Back and chest ( upper body push / pull )
   -Quads and hamstrings (knee Dominant / Hip dominant )
   -Biceps and triceps
   -Shoulders and abs                                                                                            


His diet is a protein - rich high carbohydrate diet to maximize muscle repair .

As the price of metabolism Will Smith bent the extra muscle he wore, Foster gradually reduces the amount of food intake Smith was to motivate physical melt much more body fat .

He did not lower carbohydrates severely mainly because as an actor you want to have a selected amount of glucose in the store buying your lines.

Tom Cruise Body Workouts And Diet Secret


Tom Cruise

Birthday :- July 3, 1962 in Syracuse, New York, USA

Birth Name :- Thomas Cruise Mapother IV

Height :- 5 '7

Mini Biography

If you had said 14 years Franciscan seminary student Thomas Cruise Mapother IV that one day in the not too distant future he would be considered one of the 100 movie stars of all time , he would probably smile and tells you that his ambition was to become a priest.
However , this young sensitive, deeply religious, who was born in July 1962 in Syracuse, New York, was destined to become Tom Cruise , one of the most coveted players paid more in the history of the screen. The only son of nomadic parents, young Tom spent his boyhood eternally in motion, and when he was 14 , had attended 15 different schools in the United States and Canada.
He developed an interest in acting and abandoned his plans to become a priest , and at age 18, headed for New York and a possible acting career.


Tom Cruise has a well sculpted and elegant body. He keeps his body and stays in shape by doing cardio and oppressive way .
Cardio such as cycling and walking can be performed in the comfort of your development things at home very convenient .
Exercise of moderate intensity such as press ups, pull ups, squats and falls should be done every day to improve power and endurance.
To perform these exercises effectively, you probably want a lot of durableness and power can be achieved by the use of nitric oxide .
Tom Cruise said My preferred conditioning exercises for burning fat fast and preservation packaging fantastic that could be done three times a week are:
  -20 minutes walk as fast as possible.
  -3 sets of 40 repetitions swings of kettlebell
  -Jump rope for 15 seconds at full intensity and rhythm of the breath , 40 seconds moderate intensity for 10 minutes and repeat length.
  -Spring 30 meters , rest for 30 seconds and repeat for 10 cycles

Tom Cruise Body

Combine these with a package that can be done for 3-5 days per week as :

  -30 minutes of jogging
  -Go for a long walk an hour on rough terrain
  -Cycling for 40-60 minutes
  -Walk for an hour


Tom Cruise completely avoids unnecessary or fried foods or sweets.
Tom Cruise consumes 6-7 small meals a day to speed up metabolism and lose weight .
He is on a strict diet to consume 1000 calories per day , which includes vegetables , grilled chicken, lots of fruits and salads.
He drinks a lot of water throughout the day at least 10-12 glasses a day to maintain body temperature .
Products soy and egg whites are high in protein and help to invigorate the body.
Tom also takes supplements rich proteins such as whey and casein.

Tom Cruise Body Workouts

Tom is very fond of foods like cheese , fats , food and leafy vegetables for carbohydrates . To have a healthy diet, you need to have a healthy lifestyle , good nutrition , adequate rest, taking the necessary supplements and a good workout plan. A good diet includes a lot of lying , low level of carbohydrates and hydration as it helps gain muscle and fold pounds.